louna espinosa albert espinosa


El creador de A pesar de haber sufrido un cáncer y que le amputaran una pierna, lo que no le cortó nunca la enfermedad fue su positivismo: "Ante el silencio emocionado del público y del presentador, el invitado sigue argumentando su drástica decisión con la voz entrecortada y los ojos húmedos:  "Creo que es el mejor público que podría tener para una última entrevista y estoy muy feliz porque creo que he sido un chico muy afortunado en la vida". Nuestra independencia también depende de ti. He began working as a writer for television programs and contests, mostly for the Catalan producers, Gestmusic, an activity which he combined with his role as a playwright and as an actor in the theater company "The Pelones". Escrita por Albert Espinosa basada en su obra de teatro Tu vida en 65′ Dirigida por María Ripoll, 2006 Producida por Alquimia Cinema Estrenada el 16 de julio del 2006 (5 meses en cartel, Sleeper del año) Actores: María Ripoll y Tamara Arias

The author's intention is to adapt this work to the movies also. In April 2010, the film won the Silver Biznaga-Audience Award and the award for best costume at the XIII Edition of the Spanish Film Festival in Malaga.

After finishing his studies, his first paid screenplay (1998) was for a video that won the European Prize for Information Technology. For the script of this film, Espinosa was awarded at the Sixth Edition of the Barcelona Cinema.

He also works as a newspaper columnist at El Periódico de Catalunya Es creador de las películas Planta 4.ª, Va a ser que nadie es perfecto, Tu vida en 65' y …

The first is your life in 65', directed by Maria Ripoll and adapted from a play by Espinosa, which tells a story in which death and chance intertwine constantly. The other film released that year was going to be that Nobody is Perfect, directed by and starring Joaquin Oristrell Santi Millán, Fernando Tejero and José Luis García Pérez, who at the time was surrounded by some controversy for alleged plagiarism of a previous script Strawberry Caesar.In May 2007, started shooting the film, released in October the following year, Espinosa would debut as a film director: Do not ask me to kiss you, because I'll kiss, a comedy starring Eloy Azorin and based on the work homonymous theater (released in January 2004) and in another piece titled the club will palles (straws club) (premiered at the In 2009, Albert Espinosa presented the Teatre Lliure comedy "El fascinant noi que treia la llengua quan feia treballs manuals" (Catalan: The fascinating boy who stuck his tongue out when he did manual labor), again written, directed and starring himself, but this time, for the first time, without the group "Los Pelones". The play was revived in April 2007 in Madrid (National Drama Centre).

Actualmente consta de dos temporadas y una tercera está en preproducción.

"Soy un chico que tuvo de los 14 a las 24 años tres cánceres, pero no perdió una pierna, gané un muñón; no perdí un pulmón, aprendí que con la mitad de lo que tienes puedes vivir y como el hígado me lo quitaron en forma de estrella pues siempre digo que llevo un sheriff dentro de mí”. El último libro del escritor catalán Albert Espinosa lleva por título Lo mejor de ir es volver.Pero el que no volverá, como mínimo, a dar una entrevista en televisión, es él mismo.

In the summer of 2009 is shot in various locations of the coast and the interior of Catalonia, the film Herois a very personal film project the producer Luis de Val, Media Films, and director Pau Freixas had prepared for three years.

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louna espinosa albert espinosa