james jesus angleton

After the Bay of Pigs, after being lied to for all these things, he realized that the CIA was running its own kind of off the books operations and he thought if he put them in the military chain of command it wouldn't be able to get away with that kind of stuff. We'll feed them data in advance that will help make them look guilty and that will cause them to coverup any other records they have because they don't want it exposed that they knew this guy was meeting with an assassin beforehand and then didn't do anything about it.

I mean how could anybody look at this and not understand that Oswald was an intelligence agent. They sought the assistance of Angleton's tour of duty in Italy as an intelligence officer is regarded as a critical turn not only in his professional life, wherein he helped recover In time, Angleton's zeal and paranoia came to be regarded as counter-productive, if not destructive, for the CIA.

Meanwhile, the CIA is freaking out, they're having meetings daily and they're talking about the threat coming from New Orleans.And Bill Davy by the way, you've got to read Bill Davy's book and get him on your show, he's so, so underrated as a researcher and he's done such incredible work. And now I'm going to jump ahead a few years because during the Church Committee hearing Bill Harvey, who had ran counterintelligence and then later moved into running Cuban operations and some of the plots to kill Castro. Hood, and Angleton's chief of operations Newton S. Miller, were coaxed into retirement within a week of Angleton's resignation after it was made clear that they would be transferred elsewhere in the agency rather than promoted, and the counter-intelligence staff was reduced from 300 people to 80 people. And finally Hoover basically plays along and they agree that Oswald was not an agent of the CIA.And this becomes a fantastic, I would recommend everybody read the transcripts of Angleton being interviewed by Senator Schweiker for the Church Committee. It seemed like that was a possibility the CIA never considered as an option, but it was such clumsy spy craft, it's like how could anybody be fooled by that? So, anyway, and why did, how do I want to say it, I don't know, I don't believe that Oswald went to the Soviet Union as a CIA operation, but I would find it would make great sense if he went as an Angleton vest pocket operation. They won't jail these people, they won't hold them accountable. And that's I think what Oswald's file was. You want to know is there anybody we can get to? DCI Helms was not willing to tolerate the resulting paralysis. Or taken from some other date and dressed up, but whatever, it couldn't have happened that way.I also know that the Oswald sighting at the Cuban Consulate also probably didn't happen because the man who was the Cuban Consulate at the time, Eusebio Azcue, had told the HSCA that the guy who had come in did not match the guy who was shot on TV by Jack Ruby. And then now we cut, you know the Warren Commission, the Warren report came out in '64, the end of 1964. Three of Angleton's senior aides in counter-intelligence, his deputy Raymond Rocca, executive officer of the counter-intelligence division William J. You know it's like all the blackmail that goes on behind the scenes. The 2003 BBC TV production of Cambridge Spies includes several scenes with a young James Jesus Angleton depicted … Is there any leverage we hold on any [inaudible 00:54:39] and that's completely illegal. So if you have an employee who's going and talking to the media, it's the job of the Office of Security to shut that down one way or another. It's hard to stand up to the CIA and he was wise to that and he found a way out. And so if you're tapping people on Capitol Hill what does that give you? And if you don't study this kind of history, you can't find those back doors because if you don't understand what's happening you can't counter it.Anyway thanks for doing your show because the truth is available through services like this.An exploration of the Hidden History of the United States and the world.

During the Second World War, Angleton served under Pearson in the Returning to Washington, he was employed by the various successor organizations to the OSS, eventually becoming one of the founder-officers of the Under the heading of foreign intelligence, there was the Angleton's primary responsibilities as chief of the counterintelligence staff of the CIA have given rise to a considerable literature focused, in particular, on his efforts to identify any Soviet or Secret intelligence agencies have two primary functions: obtaining secrets, often from other secret intelligence agencies, which is intelligence work Angleton's position in the CIA, his close relationship with Although Golitsyn was a questionable source (he also claimed that Regarding the first claim, Golitsyn had said from the beginning that the KGB would try to plant other defectors in an effort to discredit him. He's getting more than his salary from the Red Cross. And Allen Dulles's very good friend, James Angleton, was then appointed to head at that time what was called Staff A, which was Foreign Intelligence.And then a guy named Bill Harvey was assigned to Staff C, which was counterintelligence. When I read that, that's what I got out of it. He twice informed the Angleton's resignation was announced on Christmas Eve of 1975, just as President Ford demanded that Colby report on the allegations and as various Congressional committees announced that they would launch their own inquiries.

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