css comment line syntax

; Declaration – Declaration includes property and a value. Suppose, you want to provide a background color to paragraphs and a particular color to the texts of the paragraph, then you style the Paragraph like below:You can apply colors to texts, borders, background, entire paragraph etc.If you want to provide space outside a border, then you can use margin like below –Here, the top margin is 12px, right margin is 20px, bottom margin is 35px and the left margin is 10px.There are other white-space property like nowrap, pre, pre-wrap, pre-line, inherit etc.Note: Do not worry about white spaces as we will master this in detail here(link to the white space page).For example – If you want to change the color of an element when the user hovers over it.If you want to style a particular part of an element, then you can use pseudo-elements.In this case, the first letter of the paragraph will be 150%There is no basic syntax in CSS. Il peut s'avérer intéressant d'affecter des styles différents à des mêmes balises. You can , however, use use invalid CSS at the beginning of a line to keep the following function from being processed. Learn to write single and multi line CSS Comments Syntax. The basic goal of the Cascading Stylesheet language is to allow a browser engine to paint elements of the page with specific features, like colors, positioning, or decorations.The CSS syntax reflects this goal and its basic building blocks are:. Example:  a) background-color: green; b) border-style: solid; c) color:tomato;There are multiple syntaxes for CSS like the basic syntax in CSS is simple but the basic syntax of CSS will not help much.We are covering a few of the CSS syntax examples here and rest of the others are covered as we move along.There is no such thing called basic syntax in CSS. Again, one more example to give a color to all level 1 headings −Rather than selecting elements of a specific type, the universal selector quite simply matches the name of any element type −This rule renders the content of every element in our document in black.Suppose you want to apply a style rule to a particular element only when it lies inside a particular element. The declaration consists of one or more definitions for the … Let me put these selectors one by one.This is the same selector we have seen above. CSS Comments are ignored by browsers and hence they are not visible in the front end. As given in the following example, style rule will apply to element only when it lies inside

css comment line syntax