comment lines css

If selection is empty, an empty comment block will be inserted. You can add comment text into your HTML code, especially in complex documents, to give some explanations to the html document. If you know CSS, then you’re already familiar with block-level comments. Single-line comments start with //, and go until the end of the line. Both single-line and multi-line comments are written above the code they are designated to explain, as demonstrated in this “Hello, World!” example: hello.js // Print "Hello, World!" /// CSS Comments are ignored by browsers and hence they are not visible in the front end. You can comment multiple lines by the special beginning tag placed before the first line and end of the last line as shown in the given example below. Atom package for inserting block- or single line comments via keyboard shortcut. Usage. Multiple Line CSS Code Creating a multi line CSS comment is really the same as a single line comment. */ my_special_hack(); ?> Tracking Template Files. It's so special it requires a comment that spans multiple lines! The following example uses a single-line comment as an explanation: You may also call us (860) 733-5441.If you have any questions about Affiliate Switchblade or affiliate marketing, in general, Evan loves talking shop and welcomes your phone call (860) 248-5425 or you can email him at contact [at] affiliateswitchblade [dot] com.Copyright © 2014 - 2016 no part of this site or any page may be copied without express, written consent.
* 1 + 1 = 2 *//*! /// The number to multiply by itself. Learn how to comment in CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file with this simple step by step tutorial. It briefs about the code and helps to edit the source code at a later time. /// @return {number} `$base` to the power of `$exponent`. Select the text you want to comment, and hit shift-cmd-m. Nothing in a single-line comment is emitted as CSS; as far as Sass is concerned, they may as well not exist. Affiliate Switchblade affiliate software is easy to use but comes with step by step instructions, with video, should you need assistance. *//* It can also contain interpolation: Sass stands with the protesters against police violence. *//* But this comment will, except in compressed mode. This comment will be included even in compressed mode. HTML comment one line and multiple lines is a piece of code which is ignored by any web browser. /// This comment will be included even in compressed mode.
*//* It can also contain interpolation: Multi-line comments start with /* and end at the next */. Single Line Comments. /// The number of `$base`s to multiply together. /* But this comment will, except in compressed mode. Learn to write single and multi line CSS Comments Syntax. Both syntaxes support two types of comments: comments defined using By default, multi-line comments be stripped from the compiled Comments in the indented syntax work a little differently: they’re indentation-based, just like the rest of the syntax. * 1 + 1 = #{1 + 1} *//*! *//// Computes an exponent. Comments help you and others to understand your code. /// The number of `$base`s to multiply together. /// @param {integer (unitless)} $exponent *//* It can also contain interpolation: Like When writing style libraries using Sass, you can use comments to document the Documentation comments are silent comments, written with three slashes (Sass © 2006–2020 the Sass team, and numerous contributors. /*! * 1 + 1 = 2 *//*! Both block comments and single line comments are toggled on/off on shift-cmd-m by default. A comment starts with a slash asterisk /* and ends with a asterisk slash */ and can be anywhere in your program. /// The number to multiply by itself.

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