Mha Himiko Toga

Himiko draws her knife and counterattacks, but Kurogiri uses Himiko is eventually recruited to the League of Villains and assigned to the The next day, Himiko and six other villains secretly arrive at the The Vanguard Action Squad begins their assault the next evening. Tomura tells everyone to calm down and not to touch Katsuki. Spinner commends her for being such a free spirit. Mimic gets angry and yells at her, giving the heroes an opening to defeat him. She spins around and tells Tomura that she joined the League because it makes her happy and easier to live in the world. Deshalb begann sie ihre „abnormalen“ Verhaltensweisen zu unterdrücken. She is taken back by his comment and Tomura defends her by saying at least she had the decency to introduce herself. When Himiko transforms into Himiko manages to make her way to a shed away from the battlefield where she collapses due to her fatigue and blood loss. She simply replies that she loves Stainy, along with Izuku and Ochaco. Enfant, elle manifestait un intérêt plutôt troublant pour le sang. The Shie Hassaikai is trying to overtake the League of Villains and Tomura needs Himiko and Twice to do this to help the League. Ce comportement se tient même quand elle est en danger, comme quand Tomura Shigaraki était sur le point de l'attaquer, mais cela semble se stopper quand elle est ennuyé ou irritée. Himiko sheds her Camie disguise and informs Compress that she got some of Izuku's blood.Himiko reunites with the League of Villains at a secret unspecified warehouse.

Here is the request from @sunshimei >w< Hope you like it!~♥ P.S: Ps is so tiring TwT, I tried but I’m so lazy u_u. Malgré leur première rencontre chaotique, Tomura accepta Himiko et Dabi dans L'Alliance des super-vilains. Himiko est le premier personnage dans la série à avoir son nom révélé en katakana, plutôt qu'en kanjis. Par conséquent, Himiko aime les gens qui sont charcutés, couvert de sang et mit en pièces et correspondent au profil d'amour idéal. 1. Like Dabi and Spinner, she was inspired by Stain and his ideology and decided to join the League, which was believed to harbor the Hero Killer's cause. After arguing with Dabi, Tomura takes offense to the recruits' loyalty to Stain and attacks them. Himiko est une fille avec un tempérament très enjoué, à tel point que cette dernière sourit même quand elle vient de tuer quelqu'un, montrant des tendances sadiques apparentes. Her injuries were tended to at a hospital and she is slowly recovering from her wounds. Malgré le manque d’un alter qui amplifie ses capacités physiques, Himiko est toujours une combattante très capable, utilisant son incroyable agilité, de grands réflexes et des compétences acrobatiques. Cependant, elle lui permet de l’habiller avec les faux bijoux volés à la Himiko développe des sentiments pour Izuku après l’avoir vu grièvement blessé alors qu’il était porté par En rencontrant Ochaco et Tsuyu Asui elle proclame que les deux sont mignonnes et charmantes. She reveals that she desires a world where she can live her life easier but the Heroes keep taking everything away from her. Himiko a réussi à les échapper pendant longtemps. He asks that they both explain their Quirks, but Himiko refuses to because she still hates the Yakuza. The U.A. He demands they prove worthy and easily overpowers them, wailing out in disappointment over their weakness.The voice of the Doctor Tomura has been searching for plays over the giant's radio. Himiko decides to use the heroes to destroy the Yakuza as proper revenge. She escapes without anyone ever suspecting her and receives a call while walking down an alleyway. student tells the League he wants to be like All Might and not the villains.Magne comments that Katsuki is clever, but Dabi disagrees. As Mimic falls defeated, Himiko and Twice wave goodbye to their rival villain.From an upper floor, Himiko and Twice witness Mimic's arrest and learn that Izuku, Shota, and Sir Nighteye went ahead of the group to stop Overhaul.

Twice checks on Compress's condition and Himiko tells them they need to get Compress to a doctor. Himiko turns her knife to Tomura's neck and demands to know why he would make her do something so unpleasant. Enraged over Twice's death, Himiko loses all her composure and decides to throw herself against the enemy Heroes in a blind rampage to avenge her friend's death. She has headphones on and listens to the news report on Stain's capture. Les parents d'Himiko dérangés par son comportement.La relation entre Himiko et ses parents n’est pas bonne. She empathizes with him and recognizes that he feels horrible for what happened to Magne. Himiko Toga is a major antagonist in the manga/anime series My Hero Academia. With what little funds Himiko received from the doctor, she bought a winter coat. The Doctor accepts Tomura but will only fully support the League after they triumph over Gigantomachia and prove themselves. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Wiki Boku no Hero Academia est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime. Compress attempts to compress Overhaul but his Quirk ends up getting erased by a mysterious bullet, giving Overhaul enough time to completely destroy his left arm. Bien que les deux sont montrés pour être en mesure de s’entendre. Sie verb… Himiko est une jeune fille assez mince, qui rougit assez souvent et décrit comme étant belle, comme quand Quand elle porte son costume de vilain, ce dernier est le même que ses vêtements de civil mais avec des accessoires en plus, y compris un masque noir avec des tuyaux (quand elle a été dans l'Escadron Genesis), des boîtes de rangements pour ses couteaux attachées autour de ses cuisses et une ceinture bleue autour de sa taille avec des boîtes vertes dessus.

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